[Katherine]: It’s a terrible tragedy, the Desperate Living blog is about to come to an end. Despite my total adoration for this beautiful country, we are reluctantly returning to the UK, for a life of eating, not being gurned at and not dying of heat exhaustion/pneumonia – sad, sad times!! NOT!! I am sad about the blog coming to an end as I have enjoyed venting my spleen on here, but don’t think it’s an appropriate thing to do for a MA Student! I will be posting a holiday blog though – mostly so me and Mags don’t forget everything when we are old and grey!
As we are not complete dirty bastards (like the guy I inherited my Sintaein apartment from, I will kill him if I ever meet him), we have decided that the time has come to clean out the apartment. The apartment is a tiny hole, covered in mould, with absolutely no storage space, and has always been messy, its not even fit for one person, so when I moved in in February it just became a complete messy dumping ground – very depressing! Some Koreans live in these one room apartments in families of 4 – I have no idea how they do it! I guess they are really tiny….

Greg - overexcited about cleaning!
Anyway, as always, I digress. So, we had to clean the apartment. We will never get the mould off the walls or the general years of grime, but we are going to give it our best efforts, so the next poor sucker who ends up here can at least not live in filth, its bad enough having to actually live here! It’s very therapeutic as we have been able to throw out all the crap various Koreans have given us, mostly inedible food L, plus we have been throwing out all the clothes which have gone all manky and holey after a year in a damp apartment with a crappy washing machine! Luckily, I was wise to it, so most of my Korea clothes came from Primark!
I have also thrown out my two arch nemesis pieces of clothing – the evil man’s puffa jacket and the giant, thick pair of jeans that I had to buy from the shop ‘Bigtopia/Bigtoria’ when my M and S ones went! I took great joy in slashing the puffa jacket, but the scissors couldn’t even make a dent in the thick, 80s style denim!

I hate you puffa jacket!!!!
Still, we had a productive day – rare for Korea, and cleared out about 8 bags of rubbish! Let the countdown begin in intensity 7 days to go!!
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