Monday, 28 February 2011

Things we like about Korea, Part One

Yes, as crazy as it seems, there are actually some things we LIKE about Korea. So this is part one! ( I feel there may not be that many parts)....

Finding food at Homeplus (Korean Tesco) that we can easily find in UK Supermarkets:

For Korean-food hating freaks like us, there is a dark wilderness in Korea, called the supermarket. We can NEVER find food that we like, and often end up living on bread and jam in the week and gorging on expensive Western food at the weekends. The Christmas trip to the UK brought some respite, with tins and cereal and crisps being lugged back to Jeollabukdo! We also found magical products at M and S food in Hong Kong (Why oh why can't they have it here?!!). However, finding food we like on our doorstep is a massive problem. The one concession to our misery is Homeplus.

Homeplus is great, it is the Korean name for Tesco and even stocks UK Tesco products (complete with original buy 3 for 4pounds stickers on the boxes)... So we find some gems from time to time. This is an advert for Homeplus, it's great and the jingle is really catchy!!

Anyway, this weekend in Daejeon (we love Daejeon) we found a Homeplus that was even more magical, stocking food which we never dreamed we'd find in Korea!! I got shreddies (Tesco Malt Wheats) my favourite cereal that I had thought I would never see again!

Greg got pickled onion and Tesco branston pickle! It was immense.

 It was the best day and we both jumped up and down in the aisles! Go shop there!!!


  1. Muahaha, gonna stalk you now. This is fantastic!

  2. excellent! We will do the same with yours!! Who can have the most weird Korea experiences!!
