Monday, 23 May 2011

Things we like about Korea, Part Two

[Katherine]: The last installment of this 'uplifting' post was back in February. I find it strangely reassuring despite how depressing it is that it has taken me 3 months to think of something else I like about Korea!
Well, here it is - I love how you have to take a ticket at the cinema/bank etc with a number on it and wait for your turn and  then just go to the desk when your number pings on the screen!! I think this is actually my favourite Korean 'thing.' I like it because:
1. It is pretty exciting to wait for your number to appear and then rush over to the desk, knocking some Korean who is trying to push in out of the way and flinging your numbered ticket at the desk attendant.
2. It avoids having to queue (stand up) and be jostled constantly and pushed into so much so that you think you have gone back to Scruples (dodgy Oldham nightclub of the late 1990s).
3. If there is a long wait you can do other things while you wait. For example, in Gwangju last week we went to check out the Burger King menu whilst we were waiting for our turn (I had a fish sandwich).

YEAH!! I've got my ticket, so you can stick your pushing old ajumma!!

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