Sunday, 29 May 2011

Waste of Money

[Katherine]: One of the best things about Korea is ALL the free time we get at school. I know that not all teachers get this, some are worked like dogs and get no thanks for it, but am just talking about our experiences in the country! We are scheduled to be in work for 40 hours a week and to teach 'up to' 22 lessons a week. As I only teach Middle School a lesson is 45 minutes long.

When I worked at Ancheon, I worked a standard 22 lesson week and stayed in school for longer than 40 hours a week. I was also used and abused and was made to teach 'English Cafes' at lunchtimes and before school everyday, which took my hours to over 22. However, when I complained about this I was basically ignored (as I always was at that school) so it kind of bummed. Now, however I feel I get a little karma. Due to the fact I work in 5 different schools (one a day) and the poor communication in place here, I only actually teach 17 hours, sssshh! And because I am constantly being carted around from school to school and have no permanent home (ie no proper co teacher - borstal Mr Nasty is apparently it) I never actually work an 8 hour day. I like to think this is pay back, 1) For the appalling time I suffered both in the shack and at Ancheon School itself. 2) For the borstal hell and 3) for the fact that I am ace!;)

It does get me thinking though, once I have planned my lessons for the week, I am pretty much at a loose end. Obviously I use my time constructively, going on Waygook and Facebook, planning my next holiday *this one is to Malaysia, and reading up for the MA I want to do next year. I really love this peaceful time, but as a moral person it does beg the question, is it all a waste of money??! For example, the Korean Government will have paid out a total of 38.1 million won/ 19,000 pounds  to have me teach here for 12 months (including wage, airfare, settlement allowance, accommodation and bonus). I feel I am utilised quite well at 4 of my schools, but could be so much more useful but I just feel like as Native English speakers we should be used to improve students English CONVERSATION and build their confidence, which I don't think we do.

Reading forums, I have found that a hell of a lot of people aren't utilised at all, especially in elementary schools, and are just used as human parrots, I know this was certainly the case for me at Ancheon, I was literally the teacher's bitch 99% of the time and it was just ridiculous and depressing. A lot of teachers don't do anything and yet the government continues to shell out a fortune despite seeing no real improvements! For a country that is going to the dogs this is a really bad idea, and I wonder - when will it stop?

OK, rant over, back to random lunatic posts about trips to theme parks!


  1. Katherine, I'm curious to know what MA are you thinking about doing when you get back to the UK?

  2. Hi, I think either History or Historical Research (same thing but the taught modules are focussed on how to extract the info rather than the info itself). Nothings set in stone yet though but need to get a move on with it!!
